Jake's first split, Altair doesn't like to talk about his origins. He likes to stay somewhat hidden. Showing himself as a starry silhouette, only sometimes appearing as a 3D figure, most often when feeling better than average. When things get really rough for him, he becomes a transparent ghost-like being instead.
He's a fairly reserved individual, often lurking, but rarely actually talking. When he does, his words are calm, albeit with a bitter undertone. An aura of melancholy and grief always surrounds him.
His emotions can be all over the place, most often feeling empty, but leaning into the negative feelings. Anger episodes aren't an uncommon occurence either.
This doesn't mean that he only feels sadness or anger! He does fairly frequently feel alright. This is when his speech starts to reflect Jake's a bit more too. He's pretty good with children and the kids see it as a good challenge to cheer him up, which he does appreciate.
Altair is rather fragmented. Even the slightest change in emotions can make him feel like he's a different person or part altogether. His emotional states also have a not insignificant amount of amnesia between themselves. He tries to keep it coherent and identify as the same individual most of the time, but sometimes there will be a part of him who does not want to, or does not know how to associate with the rest of him.
He has the tendency to temporarily split off parts that later end up being integrated into him again. Archie is the one person who has managed to remain separate so far.
He's fairly easy to get along with, despite him being upset most of the time. Just be gentle, don't be an asshole, and he'll like you.
He does hold a great deal of vengenance and anger towards those who (in his eyes) have betrayed us. Especially if he had gotten attached to said person. Granted, this is only reserved for a select few people, and we'd never share this website with them.
Has a soft spot for scythes and these two songs: Deathbody (GHOST), Mr. Fear (SIAMES)
Some images of Altair. Most of these he's drawn himself.

- Name: Alt-Jake / Altair
- Age: 19 y/o
- Birthday: August 23rd, 2020
- Pronouns: he/him, drake/drakes, xe/xim
- Layers: Draconizations
- Subsystems: Constellations ๐
- Role: Persecutor
- Form date: Sept 21st, 2020
Altair is an unique and intricate person. Not just within Draconizations, but within the system as a whole.
He was the first person to appear as the "undead/ghost" archetype, which also happened to be the first archetype altogether. Yet he still remains different from most ghost archetypes, and holds his own unique experiences and trauma.
Nicknamed "The Grim Reaper", "Harvester of Stars" and "Body of Void and Lifeblood" by different members.