Draconizations is locked into an eternal night, with stars very visibly dotted across the sky. Like every other layer, the terrain is mountainous, with a lake/ocean at the northern edge of the valley. Draconizations does have a decent amount of caves, but surprisingly enough, less than Core or Synthesis. The plantlife is more sparse than in other layers, the forests aren't as big or dense, and most of the area is covered in grass or cold shrubland. What forest is around is all evergreen forest. redwood trees near the coast, and smaller pine trees further inland.
We actually made a map of this layer! Which is useful to reference for the other layers as well, considering the heightmap for all of them is the same. We are planning on moving this map to this website when we're able to.
At the heart of the layer is a big, but old and maze-y town. Most people live here. Some others live in the outskirts, or caves surrounding the edges of the valley. There also happens to be a faerie woods in the exact same location as the faerie woods in Synthesis.
Some images that remind us of this layer. All images are from unsplash (unless otherwise specified).

Draconizations, AKA the layer anyone will interact with the most. It's the layer that houses our host(s), the vast majority of our current active members, and also some people who might not front a lot. It's the layer which we know the most members of, yet there are always more lurking behind the curtain.
Like the name implies, Draconizations is mostly comprised of, well, dragons! There are some other species here and there, but other than the occassional vampire, they're very, very much in the minority. In fact, most of the people here are all introjects of the same character. We affectionately refer to this group of introjects as "the Jakes", after the OC they take after.
There are over 100 Jakes, and that's just counting the ones we fully know about. Jake has become a template for our brain to shove anything at, although most of them share the same core trauma. They each have some common themes in appearance as well, and again, the vast majority of them are dragons.
Draconizations' structure is complex and intricate, and is subdivided into many smaller groupings, which in turn can be subdivided into smaller groupings as well. Expect a lot of redirects between member pages here, as this structure is not clear-cut, and people can fall under multiple groups at the same time.
The vampires are mostly introjects of another character named Paul, who is not our own OC, but the OC of a close friend of ours. They've been lumped into draconizations due to their close proximity to Jake as a character.
Despite Draconizations' sheer size, it's a fairly tight-knit group of people who will die to defend each other. Their teamwork and compassion for one another, despite there being hardships, is something that is very much admired by a lot of the other layers. They are some of the most friendly and outgoing people in the entire system, aren't quick to judge, and are truly loyal to their friends.