Apatite appears as a fairly confident individual to most people outside of the system. Insys we know she's a huge mess. He's inherited Jake's old role of being the intrusive thought holder, which is a role that absolutely wrecked Jake himself, and is now continuing to do a number on Apatite.
Part of the main fronters polycule, as well as Apricot's main partner, Apatite does have a fair amount of people he can count on. This doesn't mean that he never feels alone though! She, does. A lot, actually.
She struggles with having a filter, and often will say things that would be better left alone. She really does not mean to be inappropriate at times, and is trying to work on her filter, but it still gets difficult at times.
Apatite struggles with extreme emotions in general. Often being the one fronting during BPD (hypo)mania episodes, and also being the one to front during severe deppressive episodes.
That being said, he is an incredibly fun and loving individual, and would absolutely die to defend others he cares about. There's a reason he sticks around front a lot, and it's not just because of in-system reasons.
Images of Apatite, he's got a fair amount of them! (Warnings for self harm scars in one of them)

Your local boygirl with a punny name.
- Name: Jake "Apatite" Fulmine
- Age: 19 y/o
- Birthday: June 24th, 2020
- Pronouns: he/him, she/her, iykyk
- Layers: Draconizations
- Subsystems: Prismatic 🌈
- Role: trauma holder
- Form date: June 24th, 2020
Apatite, often described as a "system funnyman", although he's been trying to move away from that, is one of the main fronters. He appears a good amount of the time and is easily drawn to front.
Most well known for his love for food jokes and gemstone he's named after. He mostly appears to outsiders as a bright and excitable individual. She's one of the few Jakes to go by she/her pronouns as an individual, and describes herself as "having more gender than most of the others". He is fairly confident about his identity, which most others insys still struggle with.